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Saturday, May 28, 2005

"Is what we know useful? And, if not what would be?"
Professor Stuart Pimm

Doris Duke Chair of Conservation Ecology, Duke University , USA and

Extraordinary Professor, University of Pretoria , South Africa

"Is what we know useful? And, if not what would be?"

Thursday 2nd June @ 4.30pm

Lecture Theatre A, Dept of Zoology

Human actions are now driving species to extinction hundreds to thousands of times faster than geological background rates. This large and irreversible process begs our asking what we can do to prevent future losses. The novelty of the problem means that there are many solutions; some involve science.

Professor Pimm will review case studies of animal conservation, including a sparrow and a panther from the Everglades of Florida, a suite of bird species in the Atlantic Coast forest of Brazil , and a congressman in Washington DC , to see if useful, general lessons can be deduced.

It is not good for the public ultimately
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