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Tuesday, March 22, 2005Welcome!This shared website aims to help publicise and co-ordinate the efforts of environment and development groups in Oxford.Please get in touch, if you would like to post news, links or information about your work on this site and I will send you an online invitation. This site will work best if it is a team effort, and has content which is regularly updated. I will help to keep it moving, but your ideas and news are what will make the difference, and the idea sustainable. Abusive, libellous or illegal posts will be deleted. Posted 12:19 PM by Matt Prescott (0) comments Sunday, March 13, 2005Events advertised by Oxford EnvironmentThe Environment Change Institute have advertised the following lectures on their Oxford Environment website.Friday 18th March @ 4.00pm Brood parasites and their host's parent-offspring communication systems Dr Joah Madden (University of Cambridge) Department of Zoology EGI Seminars, Lecture Theatre C Department of Zoology University of Oxford *********************************************** Wednesday 20th April @ 5pm Geopolitics of environment Alain Lipietz, (Les Verts MEP) Main Lecture Theatre, School of Geography and the Environment Environmental futures lecture series *********************************************** Wednesday 27th April @ 5pm New practices of deliberation in environmental politics Maarten Hajer (Amsterdam University) Main Lecture Theatre, Gypsy Lane Campus, Oxford Brookes University Environmental futures lecture series *********************************************** Wednesday 27th April @ 7.00-8.30pm Grey Whales & Orca – Feeding Habits & Health Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London Earthwatch Lecture Admission is free but by ticket only. Contact Earthwatch on (01865) 318856; events@earthwatch.org.uk *********************************************** 28th April @ 6.30pm 'Greenwashing' Andy Rowell (Freelance Journalist) SG03, Gypsy Lane Campus, Oxford Brookes University Contemporary Ideology Forum: Brainwashing seminar series *********************************************** Wednesday 4th May @ 5pm Politicising the environment in practice Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP Main Lecture Theatre, School of Geography and the Environment Environmental futures lecture series *********************************************** Wednesday 11th May @ 5pm What environmental futures do we want? George Monbiot, Journalist and campaigner Lloyd Lecture Theatre, Gypsy Lane Campus, Oxford Brookes University Environmental futures lecture series Posted 9:58 AM by Matt Prescott (0) comments Tuesday, March 08, 2005Cyclox: Bicycle User SurveyCyclists in Oxford and Cambridge are being invited to take part in a survey of their experience, skills and ability. The cycle survey only takes 5 minutes, and the answers will be completely anonymous and confidential.To take part, go to the Cycling Survey homepage. PRIZE DRAW - WIN A £20 HMV TOKEN When you complete your questionnaire, fill in your name and address in the space provided. At the end of the survey Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) will draw 5 names at random for each city and those people will win a £20 HMV token. Don't worry about your privacy: As soon as your questionnaire is received OCC will remove your name and address and will use it only for the prize draw. The questionnaire itself is completely anonymous. OCC will only use this information for the prize draw. OCC will not otherwise contact you or pass your details on to others. TECHNICAL HELP The online survey works on Windows and Linux computers. Mac users can fill in the survey using the Mozilla Firefox web browser but not using Safari or Internet Explorer, due to circumstances beyond our control. If you experience problems with the online survey, please email cyclingsurvey@oxfordshire.gov.uk MORE ABOUT THE SURVEY Researchers from Bath University are conducting the survey for the Oxford and Cambridge Cycle / Bus Project, which aims to help bus drivers and cyclists get on better together on the roads by finding out more about both groups' needs. They will also be doing some workshops with bus drivers. The cycle survey and bus driver workshops will complement existing research: * A study of road users in Oxford which was carried out by Brookes University found that the top concerns cyclists have with buses are being passed too close, and being tailgated. Bus drivers' top concerns with cyclists are near-misses at junctions, and being undertaken. * Accident data from Oxfordshire reveals that male and female cyclists have different accident patterns. Women's cycle accidents seem to be more likely to involve a bus. The survey may help explain this and other findings. * Local, national and international research reveals which types of accidents are most likely to result in serious injuries. The information will be used to design messages for bus drivers and cyclists. The messages will be tested in Oxford, using Cambridge as a control, to see if bus drivers and cyclists find them useful. THANK YOU Posted 2:20 PM by Matt Prescott (0) comments London Marathon 2005: Ed Davey seeks sponsorshipA friend of this site, Ed Davey is running in this years London Marathon and looking for sponsorship which will go to Médecins Sans Frontières, The Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign and The (Tibetan) Hope Centre.1) Médecins Sans Frontières are at the forefront of the humanitarian response in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Sudan at the moment. 2) The Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign / The Oxford - León Link. Ed has been actively involved with these two charities since visiting Nicaragua in 2000; they are as always very short of funds, and it is thanks to NSC that he is running the Marathon again, as they had a spare charity place for the run. 3) The Hope Centre (translated from the Tibetan), Lhasa, Tibet. One of Ed's very best Tibetan students from India, Sonam Dolma, is now working as a trainee doctor with a small medical centre for Lhasa's poor and homeless people. She is Ed's guarantee that every penny of your donation would go directly towards the centre's work. Ed will send money to her via Western Union, and pay for the cost of that himself. ************************************************* Ed proposes that 50% of your donation goes to MSF, 30% to NSC and 20% to the Hope Centre. However, as last year, the choice is of course up to you, and you are very welcome to specify what percentage of your donation you would like to go to which charity. Last year Ed and his brother raised £4300 - is £5000 too ambitious a target this year?! Contact Ed directly if you would like to sponsor him. His email address is: edward.davey@brasenose-oxford.com 66 Tennyson Street, London SW8 3SU. Posted 2:07 PM by Matt Prescott (0) comments Tuesday, March 01, 2005Dawkins Prize, Trade Justice Stall + Sustainable OxfordshireFriday 4th March, 2005The Dawkins Prize for Animal Conservation and Welfare. Prize Lecture by Professor David Macdonald DSc. “A Brush with Foxes and Some Other Carnivore Tales”. Oxford University Museum of Natural History at 5pm. Balliol College, advised by a distinguished Committee, has awarded the second Dawkins Prize to Professor David Macdonald DSc, Director of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at Oxford University. His prize lecture is entitled “A Brush with Foxes and Some Other Carnivore Tales”. The Dawkins Prize was endowed by Mr John Dawkins on behalf of the Dawkins family, ten of whom have been at Balliol during the last 200 years. EVERYONE WELCOME ******************************************************* FRIDAY OF 7TH : March 4th 2005: TRADEJUSTICE STALL ON CORNMARKET This Friday People and Planet are going to be doing a big drive to get votes for Trade Justice signed - especially because it's Fair Trade fortnight and trade is never going to be fair unless the rules governing it are made fair! There will be a stall outside St Michael's on Cornmarket from 9.30am to 4.30pm. It would be great if anyone could spare an hour to help cover it. It should be good fun with buskers singing Tradejustice songs at various times throughout the day and the opportunity for a bit of street theatre at 1.30pm! Please email oxpandp@herald.ox.ac.uk if you'd like to help with the stall or do a bit of performing! ******************************************************* NEPALI AWARENESS WEEK Wed 2nd March, 8pm Talk by Nepal expert David Gellner “Nepal: Searching for the Causes of the Current Crisis” Prestwick Room, St. John’s College Friday 4th March, 4pm Class with Nepali peace activist and educational philosopher C.M. Yogi “My Spiritual Ideas and practice of Meditation” – Old Refectory, Wadham College Friday 4th March, 8pm Talk by C.M. Yogi – “HVP Schools Nepal: their Story and the Vision behind them” – Seminar Room, Wadham College Monday 6th March, 7pm Nepali and Indian Food Evening with Food Society, partly in aid of VSO – Old Refectory, Wadham College – Tickets £7 contact foodsociety@hotmail.com 28th Feb - 6th March Volunteers will be sponsored to live on $2 a day to raise awareness of world poverty and poverty in Nepal All proceeds from Nepal Awareness Week will go to HVP, a group of schools in Nepal that run entirely on donations and promote values of peace and tolerance. ******************************************************* Sustainable Oxfordshire Day Saturday, 23rd April 2005, 9.30am–4.30pm Lloyd Lecture Theatre, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane, Headington Inspiration, celebration and debate about making Oxfordshire more sustainable. Includes revitalising lunch of local and sustainable produce. Speakers include: Brenda Boardman, Environmental Change Institute: The 40% House Robin Buxton, Oxford Nature Conservation Forum: How to Engage People and Build Networks Robin Murray, Director of RED, The Design Council’s Innovation Unit: Zero Waste Rebecca Willis, Associate, Green Alliance: A Micro-generation Manifesto Adam Twine: Oxfordshire Farmer: A case study of his 12-year battle to get planning permission for Westmill Wind Farm, near Faringdon MORE INFORMATION & BOOKING Eka Morgan, Science and Sustainability Officer, Oxford Inspires, eka.morgan@sbs.ox.ac.uk Tel: 01865 278817. To book a place, please send a cheque for £10 (inc lunch) payable to ‘Oxford Inspires’ to Liz Gresham, Saïd Business School, Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HP. Organised by Oxford Inspires, Environmental Change Institute (Oxford University) and Environmental Information Exchange (Oxford Brookes University) and generously supported by Oxfordshire County Council. Posted 8:54 AM by Matt Prescott (0) comments